Tuesday, November 6, 2018


 Gittin 38b


ואחת קבעה סעודתא בערב שבת ושתיהן נעקרו

Rashi explains that t
hey were punished because they ate the main meal on Friday night.

We Pasken 
כבוד יום קודם לכבוד לילה They should have waited for the daytime to eat the main Seudah"

Mori V’rabi Harav Hagaon Reb Shlomo Miller Shlita
said  :

It is not proper to serve Cholent Friday night. Cholent is a designated food for the סעודת היום. Eating Cholent at night violates כבוד יום קודם לכבוד לילה.

1 comment:

  1. Sefer Charedim, Chapter 33:

    It is a mitzvah to eat fish on Shabbat,
    especially at the third meal.


    “Just because a synagogue does not host
    a Seudah Shlishit does not mean that
    individual congregants should skip this meal.”

    SOURCE: Rabbi J. Simcha Cohen,
    The Jewish Press, 2012 June 1, page 59


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Parshas Beshalach -Change The Cholent Recipe

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