Monday, May 7, 2018

The Am Haaretz

לז"נ אפרים  פישל בן יואל אריה ע"ה

יום השנה כ"א אייר




The advantage of the Am Haaretz

 The Chasam Sofer( Parshas Emor) writes:
” The Am Haaretz who supports Torah has an advantage over the Talmid Chacham who learns. When he supports Torah he is rewarded even if the Talmid Chacham is negligent and is not learning, what should he have done and why should he lose out".

The Netziv said Pshat  on the Pasuk שלום רב לאהבי תורתיך- ואין למו מכשול 
Ohavei Toirosecho refers to the supporters of Torah. On them, it is said Ein Lomo Michshol. For them, things can’t go wrong. They will be rewarded regardless if the Talmidei Chachamim learn or not.

The Chasam Sofer’s Sevara (logic)  would probably apply also to the wives
who send their husbands to learn and wait at home for them. They too should
be rewarded even if their husbands go to the Bais Hamedrash and Batel
(waste) their time there


  1. "The Netziv said Pshat on the Pasuk..."

    This quote will be even better when it has an exact source.

    Sephardic Jews REJECT Reform Judaism:

  2. Instead of saying: "advantage of the Am Haaretz" it would be more accurate to say: "advantage of the donor".

    Rambam Rejected Childless Messiah:


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