Friday, May 4, 2018

אמור אל הכהנים

אמור אל הכהנים                               

According to the Aruch Hashulchan (O.Ch.1:26),

Kohanim need to stand when saying Korbanos

vort for parshas emor

1 comment:

  1. I am a kohen, and I always felt obligated to stand when reciting korbanot, even before I heard this teaching of the Aruch HaShulchan.

    Reform Jews ally themselves with the anti-Israel Far-Left and the anti-Israel Intersectionality Movement, so it is correct to publicize these short blog articles that expose Reform Judaism:

    Rambam Refutes Reform Judaism:

    Why Barak Hullman left Reform Judaism and became Orthodox:

    How a Reform Rabbi Became Orthodox (true story):

    Reform Judaism vs. Real Judaism:

    Sephardic Jews REJECT Reform Judaism:

    How Reform Jews CHEATED on the Pew survey:

    Quick quote from Famous Jewish
    mega-donor about Jewish Continuity

    Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch vs Reform Judaism:

    Last but not least, the Reform Jews strongly opposed efforts to save European Jews from the Holocaust during World War II. Those rescue efforts were led by Orthodox Jews, who the Reform Jews considered to be behind-the-times and obsolete and an embarrassment.

    The Reform Jews got what they wanted:
    the rescue efforts failed.


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