Thursday, April 19, 2018

Yom Hatzmaut

Yom Hatzmaut - 
At the Knessia Gedola (Agudah) in 1936, there was a fierce debate between the Gedolim whether to accept the Peel Commission for partition of Palestine.

 The Polish (Chasidic) Gedolim supported  Chalukah, thereby supporting establishing a Jewish state in part of Palestine.

The Litvishe & Hungarian Gedolim opposed Chalukas Ha’aretz and thereby were against the establishment of a Jewish state. (by insisting for the whole, chances of this to happenwas nil)

Reb Moishe Sternbuch Shlita (Teshuvos  V’Hanhogos 2: 140) writes he heard this from
R Y.B. Soloveichik zt”l (Yerushalayim) and wrote it down exactly as heard.

R. Elchonon Wasserman &  R. Aharon Kotler zt”l  were very upset and were about to step out of the Knessia & Agudah.
 R.Chaim Ozer zt”l convinced them not to do so and to remain there.

The Brisker Rav zt”l was also very angry for even discussing the issue. He held establishing a State is a גרם שפיכת דמים. 
R.A. Kalmenowitz zt”l asked him why he was making such a big deal of it. The British Government couldn’t care less what the  Rabonim at the Knessia will decide.

The Brisker Rav answered him as follows 
  “  We find in Gemoro that the Ribono Shel Olam runs his world according to the Psak of the רוב (ehrliche yidden). At the Knessia there are רוב גדולי ישראל They are debating whether to accept part or to insist for the whole of Eretz Yisroel, but they all agree for the establishment of a Jewish State.
 He therefore fears that  the Ribono Shel Olam will make it happen,  and a Jewish State will be born

1 comment:

  1. Reform Jews ally themselves with the anti-Israel Far-Left and the anti-Israel Intersectionality Movement, so it is correct to publicize these short blog articles that expose Reform Judaism:

    Rambam Refutes Reform Judaism:

    Why Barak Hullman left Reform Judaism
    and became Orthodox:

    How a Reform Rabbi Became Orthodox (true story):

    Reform Judaism vs. Real Judaism:

    Sephardic Jews REJECT Reform Judaism:

    How Reform Jews CHEATED on the Pew survey:

    Quick quote from Famous Jewish
    mega-donor about Jewish Continuity

    Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch vs Reform Judaism:

    Last but not least, the Reform Jews strongly
    opposed efforts to save European Jews from
    the Holocaust during World War II. Those
    rescue efforts were led by Orthodox Jews,
    who the Reform Jews considered to be
    behind-the-times and obsolete and an
    embarrassment. The Reform Jews got what
    they wanted: the rescue efforts failed.


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