Monday, July 10, 2017

לקדש שם שמים

לוי & פנחס, both risked their lives by being קנאים (zealots) where  immorality
was involved, yet פנחס was praised for his קנאות  and לוי was ostracized 
for his קנאות 

The Netziv in (שו"ת משיב דבר (ח"א מ"ד  explains that practising קנאות
should not be done even by Chasidim who are doing it for the sake and
love of Hashem. It may only  be done  by Talmidei Chachamim using
their הגיון תורה (Torah logic- Hashkafah)

They are the only ones who know and understand the very minute and 
precise details as to when to be מקדש שם שמים by going out and fight 
for the cause and when to refrain from קנאות to avoid 'חילול  ה.

Perhaps according to the Netziv, in the future, if & when there will be 
a need to stop the traffic and Egged buses  on Kikar Shabbos, they
should have the Ziknei Roshei Yeshiva sit down in the middle of the

street instead of 14-year-old Bachurim.

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