Friday, April 28, 2017

We want Mashiach now.

We want Mashiach now.

In Nusach Sfard Siddurim at the end of the Bracha of את צמח דוד, it says ומצפים לישועה.

The words "ומצפים לישועה" do not belong there. It never ever was part of any Nusach in
the שמונה עשרה.

Originally someone wrote it on the side of the Bracha as instruction and advice to have 
there in mind to expect the Yeshua of Bias Hamashiach.

The Gemoro (Shabbos 31a) says one of the first questions one will be asked will 
be "?ציפית לישועה"  (Did you expect משיח)

The person who wrote ומצפים לישועה felt it would be an appropriate place&time to have 
it in mind during the Bracha of את צמח דוד.

Some Poskim strongly oppose adding the words ומצפים לישועה  being it's not part of

the Nusach of the Bracha.

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