שואלין בהל' פסח קודם לפסח ל' יום
All the Bais Yakovs & Chadorim
have it wrong.
The coming next few
weeks, all Bais Yakov Schools and Chadorim will be teaching the children
Hagada Shel Pesach.
Most children will be
able to sing, translate and memorize in the proper order the 10 מכות.
The הגהות מיימוני writes the
reason R. Yehudah gave the siman of דצ"ך עד"ש is
because Dovid Hamelech in Tehillim (78 & 105) mixed up the order
of the מכות. R. Yehudah gave the siman for the מביאי ביכורים
to say it in the proper order.
The Chasam Sofer writes the
reason why the order in Tehillim is mixed up because there is a סכנה
to verbalize the מכות)
Therefore, except for ליל שמורים the order of the מכות are mixed up
to mix up the pipelines so no harm will come from saying it.
The Chasam Sofer continues that
for this reason when teaching children they should mix up the order of the 10 מכות .Only at the Seder night
should they say it in order. The way to memorize the proper order should
be with the siman of דצ"ך עד"ש
Perhaps since none of the
schools & Chadorim follow the Chasam Sofer's advice and do teach it
in the proper order there is no danger in doing
so because of 'שומר פתאים ה. Chazal tell us, if the masses do something
dangerous, Hashem protects the fools. אמבצי
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