Friday, January 27, 2017

Mitzvah Gedolah

Daf Hashavua
Bava Basra 8b

פדיון שבוים מצוה רבה היא

RebNoson Sternhartz wrote that R. Nachman Breslover said ,
"Mitzvah Gedolah Liyhos B’simcha Tomid."

1)  What makes this a mitzvah?      None of the monei hamitzvohs
count this as a mitzvah.  It is true , that mitzvohs should be done
besimcha. This is a way to perform the mitzvah but not a mitzvah in itself.

2)  How can you say “Tomid” if there are times when not only
is it not a mitzvah but an aveirah ?
In Hl Aveilos # 391 – 1  Aveil  asur liyhos b’simcha .

3)  Why is this, a mitzvah gedola and other mitzvahs are not gedola?

I found only one mitzvah gedola in the whole Shulchan Aruch  
“Mitzvah gedola l’haspid hameis  koroui” ( It is a great mitzvah to eulogize
a niftar properly).

There is one more mitzvah where gedola is mentioned.
Hl. Pidyon Sh’vuyim “ein lecho mitzvah gedola k’pidyon sh’vuyim.
(There is no greater Mitzvah than pidyon sh’vuyim
based on the Gemoro in Bava Basra 8b פדיון שבוים מצוה רבה היא

 Yehi ratzon, the day of "B'simcha Tomid" will arrive b'karov mamash.

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