Friday, September 16, 2016

What happened to the צדיק?

*Last week in Parshas Shoftim it says ומי האיש הירא ורך הלבב
Chazal Darshan he is fearful of the עבירות in his hand.
Even for minor עבירות, one gets sent home. The ones who
go to war don't have any עבירות. Only true צדיקים can
go out to the battlefield.

So how is it possible for this same צדיק to come home a 
week later (Parsha) with a  יפת תואר?

Reb Sholom Schwadron zt"l answered this question with a one
 "כאן קודם צבא, כאן אחר צבא"

                      * Taken from
                  מעדני הפרשה מאת הרב ישראל אהרן קלצקין


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