Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Kollel -Part 3

Click here for part 1 
Click here for part 2

                 Who was ר' מאיר בעל הנס ?
Contrary to the popular belief of most it is not the Tanna Reb Meir.

The Sefer Zichron Yakov  (vol 2 p 30) writes:

"The pushkes   were  named after  an Ish  Chasid  V’kadosh who lived in Eretz Hakodesh a few hundred years ago. He was famous – and was called R. Meir Baal Haness”.

According to the Yerushalmi (Kelaim 9:3), Reb Meir died in Chu"l and his body was placed in the sea in Chu"l.

One of the first sources  that mention Reb Meir’s  burial  place in Eretz Yisroel is in the Sefer Gelilos Haaretz. He writes that Reb Meir is buried in the city of Tveryah.

The Seder Hadoros  quotes the same  Sefer Gelilos Haaretz  who writes:
 " R. Yitzchok from Gush Chalav and  R. Meir Baal Haness are both buried in Gush Chalav. The Gelilos Haaretz also writes that he doesn’t know who they were.

Two of the most prominent and respected Frum historians  (R. Yechiel Heilprin- Seder Hadoros  & R. Yaakov Lipschutz - Zichron Yaakov ) both believed that R. Meir Baal Haness and  the Tanna R.Meir were two different people.

It took more than two thousand years to convince the public that the earth is  round, because everybody
knew that the earth was flat.

So too re R. Meir Baal Haness, everybody knows is
the Tanna R,Meir and will not be convinced otherwise 
(that it refers to a different R. Meir) except for those who 
will consider the following  6 proofs objectively  

 1)                       R.M. is buried in Tveryah    RMBH is buried in Gush Chalav

 2)                       Seder Hadoros & Gelilos Haaretz don’t know who R.M.B.H. was

 3)                       Zichron Yaakov claims R.M.B.H. lived a few hundred years ago
                           R.M. lived two thousand years ago.
  4)                     To donate  L’iluy  Nishmas a Tanna  who was niftar 2,000 years ago
                           sounds  very strange. 
                           A Neshama from 2000 years has reached it’s peak a long time ago.

  5)                    The hundreds of Tanoim & Amoraim most of whom were 
                          also, מלומדים בנסים   yet their Neshama doesn't need an Aliyah
                          and the Tanna R.Meir  needs our Zchusim for his Aliyas Neshama.
  6)                     The Loshon, Baal Haness is not found in Shas.  In Gemoro
,                           we only find the term Melumad Banisim.

אלהא דמאיר ענני

According to the Maharsha
(avoda zarah 18a) It can’t refer to the
Tanna R.Meir because he was still
alive. In his lifetime, he would not use
his own name attached to  Hashem.

The Maharsha says “it refers to Hashem.
 Meir is not a name. It is a word, Hameir
who lights up the world. (Hameir La’aretz )  

Or, "Meir" who lit up for us (past tense)
during the dark days of the Greeks with
the ness of Chanukah”.
He shall bring  Nissim to save you.



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