Thursday, August 18, 2016


Thanks all to those who submitted answers to the questions we posted HERE

Thanks to all who responded and sent in  Mareh Mekomos. I selected randomly some 
of the responses to share with the Oilam.I would also like to share  my own answer 
which is partially based on the responses I received.

The Anshei Kneses Hagdola were Mesaken the Shmonai Esrai for Klall Yisroel  to be Mispalell & ask from the Ribono Shel Oilam for personal needs.(צרכיו)

Chazal allowed adding individual Tefilos for personal needs at the appropriate place or at Shma Koleinu.

Someone who is in such a Madraigah (level) where the needs of the Ribono Shel Olam (כביכול)
are so important to him as his own needs, then technically he would also be allowed to 
ask for Yehai Shmai Rabbah, because it is his צרכיו

However answering during Kaddish, Rav S.Y. Elyashiv zt"l said cannot be considered as his 
צרכיו (for Kvod Shomayim) It is his want to answer on the Kaddish.

It is only if someone during Davening is truly upset with שכינתא בגלותא etc. and he wants
to ask the Ribono Shel Olam (not while Kaddish is recited) to finally change from כס יה  to
Kisei yud kei vav kei and his name shall become רבא. in such a case it would be permitted.

Being it is such a rarity even for Tzadikim to be in this Madreigah,  therefore this special
Heter is not mentioned in any of the Sifrei Halacha.

I do remember watching the Klausenburger Rebbe zt"l Davening Shmonei Esrai and he
blurted out a number of times in Yiddish " Heiliger Bashefer"  "Zieser Bashefer" etc.
He was a יחיד בדורו and probably was in this Madreigah to have been allowed to 
say יהא שמה רבא during Birchas Shma Kolainu


  • I was actually at the shmuess and I heard this question from Reb Moshe Aaron Stern. This question he said over from Reb Velvel Frank (a brother of Reb Hirsh Pesach). It is printed in the Sefer Reb Velvel wrote (I belive the Sefer is on Mesechtas Brachos). Reb Moshe Aron Stern said that only a person that's a true Yerei Shamayim would think of such a question. (he attested that reb Velvel was indeed a Yerei Shamayim). The answer Reb M. A. Stern said in the name of Reb Velvel is that Yehai Shmai Rabbah is a Shevach and not a Bakashah

  • I don't understand the question....shema kolienu is a place for בקשות not שבח.

Same reason you can't correct משיב הרוח in shema kolienu.

Good intention wrong station!

  • l'aniyas dati---i think----bakoshes are a chelek of the middle brochos of shmonei esrei--part and parcel---answering kedusha also not allowd except b'hirur and not a cheilek of shmoneh esra--it would be a hefsek---uhn dus is nisht k'vod shomayim

  • The matbeia of the brocha of shma koileinu is bakoshas tzrochov. 
A personal tefilo I'd bakoshas tzrochov
But yehei shmei rabo or shma yisroel however heilig they are are not bakoshas tzrochov.
Even more so, the cheftza of yehei shmei rabo is a complete bitul of the person himself who is mispallel  for a hisgalus of kvod shomayim and is rather the opposite of bakoshas tzrochov.

L'mashel: If one is having a face to face discussion with the king, while outside the castle a procession has gathered praising the king and chanting, "long live the king!", it would be inappropriate mid-conversation to run to the window and yell along with them. 

A bit bale batish,

  • The biggest kovod shomayim is abiding by the halacha.[in a similar vein sofek brochos l'ehokel, but by eating without a brocho ones is ganvening the food-I believe this is the haylige zaida(RaK''e)kashe.One answer is that by not being motzi shem shomayim l'vatala that gufe is giving the aybshter kovod.]

  • Great question!!! Hmmmm...One is a chelek of his teffila, the other is a matbea shenitvu chachamim. So, just like adding, say, yaaleh vyavo for Rosh Chodesh during shma koleinu would be a problem, so would this. The only matbea during SA must be SA unless it's a chelek of the teffila. (Hope I expressed my thoughts well). See igros Moshe re the person who said ananei or nachem maariv after Tisha bav

  • I would think the fact that amen yehei shmei raba is a bakaaha for kivoid shomayim is what makes it not mei'ein habracha. The bracha is bakashos which means asking for hashem to give us.
On rosh hashanah we don't ask bakashos and the whole nusach hatfilah is asking for kivoid shamayim.

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