Monday, July 25, 2016

Hard To Believe


(Bava Kama 54b-55a) 

R. Chanina ben Agil asked R. Chiya bar
Aba , why in the first Dibros it doesn't say Tov (L'maan Yitav) and in the
last Dibros it does say Tov.

R.Chiya b A. answered, "instead of asking me "why" ask if it does
say Tov or not. I am not familiar with the text of the Aseres Hadibros-".

Tosfos (Bava Basra 113a dh Tarvyhu) proves from this Gemoro
that there were times where the Amoraim weren't familiar with
Pesukim in the Torah

The Ibn Ezrah (Shmos 20 :1) enumerates the differences between the
Aseres Hadibros in Parshas Yisro and in Parshas Voeschanan.

One of the differences ho points out is , In Parshas Yisro it says עבדו ואמתו
first and then שורו וחמורו and in Parshas Voeschanan it says שורו וחמורו
first and then עבדו ואמתו  .

The last time I checked, in both  Parshas (Voeschanan ,and Yisro) it says  

first  עבדו ואמתו   and then שורו וחמורו . (no difference)

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