Wednesday, February 3, 2016

daf hashavua

Daf Hashavu
Gittin 50b
שכיב מרע שאמר תנו מאתיים זוז לפלוני וג' מאות לפלוני וד' מאות לפלוני -----

A dying person wrote in his  will,
If his pregnant wife will have a son,
The son shall receive 2/3 of his assets
and his wife shall receive 1/3 of  his assets.
If she will have a daughter, then, the
wife shall receive 2/3 of his assets,
and the daughter shall receive 1/3 of his assets.
His wife had twins, a boy and a girl.
How do you divide the assets?

Avu es iz doh Toireh  iz doh Chochmo
R. Chaim Brisker solved this, with a very
simple soloution.
The dying husband wanted his son to
receive twice as much as his mother.
He also wanted the mother to receive
twice as much as her daughter.
Therefore you divide the assets into
seven parts. The son gets 4 parts, the
mother gets 2 parts and the daughter
gets 1 part.

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