Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Love-Vort On Parshas Vayigash From The Kotzker

 Parshas Hashavua

Sotah  49a 
"דאמרי אינשי רחמי דאבא אבני, רחמי דבני אבני דהוו ליה"

'The love of a father is for his children. The love of his children is for their children."
(more love to your children than to your parents)

We find in this weeks Parsha . Yehudah was pleading to Yosef to allow Binyomin to return to his father otherwise his father (Yakov) will die. Why  not plead about the suffering  of Binyomin's ten sons ?

The Kotzker Rebbe answers "From here we see parents are in more pain when their children are suffering than the pain children have when their parents
are suffering". 
The Zohar( Parshas V’yechi) writes ," people love
their grandchildren more  than their own children." 

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