Thursday, August 4, 2022

Shtreimels for Litvakes-Part 1

The original edition* of the Sefer Chochmas Adam,
(Hilchos Avodas Kochavim #89) writes, "The (Russian)

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  Government decreed that all must change to wear  modern clothing.

The Gaon held this to be a Gezeira where one is obligated  to Yehoreig V'lo Ya'avor and not  change from the original style of dress".

For some reason they didn't follow the Gaon's Psak. .Had they accepted the Gaon's Psak we would have  today, the Litvishe Roshei Yeshivah, Rabonim  & Yeshivaleit, all wearing Shtreimels.

The Aruch Hashulchan (O.Ch.551:11) writes,"originally
Shtreimels were worn on Shabbos in the Lita".

*The censors removed the Gaon and added
Dina D'Malchusa Dina


  1. "For some reason they didn't follow the Gaon's Psak."

    Do they follow (what you claim is - I want to see a written source inside) the Gaon's psak in everything else? Of course not.

    Do they daven nusach HaGRA? No!

    So why do you think they should do so here.

  2. "originally Shtreimels were worn on Shabbos in the Lita"

    Those are not the same as Chasidic shtreimels.

    They are like the fur hats in depictions of the Chasam Sofer, Netziv, and GR"A.

  3. The Vilna Gaon was niftar in the beginning of 5558 (1797 C.E.). Are you saying that such a gezeira involved was before then? That seems pretty early. We know about such gezeiros later, in the 1800's (lemisporom), after the petira of the Gaon.

  4. ""originally Shtreimels were worn on Shabbos in the Lita"

    Those are not the same as Chasidic shtreimels.

    They are like the fur hats in depictions of the Chasam Sofer, Netziv, and GR"A."

    On the Hasidic side, The sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, also wore such a type of hat on special occasions.

  5. See Chaya Adam hl.T.B'av
    In Vilna they all followed the Gson's Psak to wear. Bigdei Shabbos on Shabbos Chazon. The Pesokim where he doesn't argue on the Rema they all followed him.


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