Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Fascinating Pshat From The Malbim-Toras Hashem Temima

The Gemoro asks  who wrote the last eight Pesukim
in the Torah (Vayomos Shom Moshe-)
and  answers two Tirutzim.

The Zohar  has a third answer. "Moshe was Niftar
and Hashem brought him back
to life. Moshe wrote then the last eight Pesukim,
and died again."

The Malbim has a beautiful  pshat on the Pasuk 
“Toras Hashem Temima”-The Torah
is complete – “Meshivas Nofesh”- because Hashem
brought back the Nefesh of Moshe 
to complete the last eight Pesukim in the Torah

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