Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Kabalistic Secrets-This Weeks Daf Megilah 3a

Daf Hashavua

Megillah 3a
 מי הוא זה שגילה סתריי לבני אדם, עמד יונתן בן עוזיאל – אני הוא שגליתי סתריך
The Yavetz writes that the Targum does not contain any Kabalistic secrets etc. 
The Pshat in the Gemoro of סתריי   refers to unknown information.
 Similar to the Gemoro in Shabbos 96 where the Gemoro discloses who the  מקושש   was. (the Torah doesn't say who he was) The Targum also discloses  additional information not mentioned in the Pesukim.
יונתן בן עוזיאל never wrote a Targum on Torah only on Nach. Most Chumashim name it "Targum Yonoson Ben Uziel" which is wrong. It is a second version of Targum Yerushalmi. 
  Some claim The Targum Yonoson Ben Uziel printed on Nach* is also not from him.
*the one he did write was lost 

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