Monday, March 31, 2014

Birchas Ilanos On Shabbos

The Kaf Hachayim (O. Ch. 226:2) writes not to make the Birchas Hailanos on Shabbos,- and according to the Mekubalim who claim that by making the Brocho, you pick the holy sparks (ניצוצי הקדושה  ) from the tree, you will be  עובר על איסור בורר  

Friday, March 28, 2014

Shemona Yemei Mila

In the Piyut of Echod Mi Yodea it says Shemoinoh Yemei Milah
eight days of Milah (based on the gemoro Eruvin 40b)

The meforshim ask , There is only one day of Milah on
the eight day, and  not eight days of Milah.

I heard an answer given by R. Chaim Kanievsky Shlita.
There is an obligation not to make a Bris before
the eight day.*

Therefore there are eight days of Milah .

The first seven days to make sure not to do
the Bris and on the eight day to do it.

*many poskim hold that you weren’t  yotzei mitzvahs milah

Friday, March 14, 2014

Hallel On Purim-Do You have an answer

The Gemoro (Megilah 14a) says Kriasa zu Hilila. Reading the Megillah is the saying of Hallel. We don’t say Hallel on Purim, because by reading the Megilah, we are praising Hashem.
The Meiri says, if someone doesn’t read (hear) the Megillah, he must say Hallel on Purim.

The Gemoro (18b) says that R.Mier didn’t have a Megillah on Purim, so he wrote one by heart. R. Yuda Osad zt”l asked  the Chasam Sofer (Shu”t O.Ch. 192) Why couldn’t he have said Hallel instead of writing a whole Megilla.

The Chasam Sofer answered him a Tirutz:

I can’t understand these two Gedolim. What’s the Kushya?
The Gemoro only says ,by reading the Megillah you were
Yotze Hallel ,and not that by saying Hallel were you Yotze
Mikra Megillah.
Umitzva Leyashev

A Freilichen Purim

Please leave your answer in the comment section below or e-mail 

Just Wondering - Leave Your Answers In The Comment Section

The Maharatz Chayos & the Chasam Sofer (Shu”t O.Ch. 208) both hold celebrating Chanuka & Purim is a Mitzvah D’orysa (Min Hatorah).
How to celebrate, lighting candles, Mikra Megilah etc. is D’rabanan.
We learn from a Kal Vachomer, to celebrate when a neis (miracle) happens to Klall  Yisroel.
I was wondering , when doing one of the Mitzvohs Hayom on Purim, Do you need to have Kavanah*  to be Yotze the Mitzvah D,orysa?

*Mitzvohs D,orysa (celebrating) needs  Kavanah

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Old Machzor-Daf Hashevoua

Daf Hashavua
Succah 34b
In the first day Succos Piyut, (Shachris before Kedusha- Ekcho Vorishon) we say “Boarovos Shtayim” (we take 2 Arovos) “Keimahos  Shtayim” (like the 2 mothers) - “Ba’agudos Arba” (we take the 4 minim)
“Kigvo’os Arba” (like the 4 mothers).
The obvious question is, are there two or four mothers?
My father a”h,in Shul, was troubled by this question so he looked in the Mateh Levi who says the 2 mothers are Leah & Rochel.
My father wasn't satisfied with this Pshat. 

He came up with his own Pshat.
When he came home from Shul, he checked in the Heidenheim   Machzor, he had kept at home.
Hachacham Wolf Heidenheim  writes, he found a very old Machzor where it says, instead of Keimahos (mothers) – Keamhos (maids).
Instead of a Chirik under the Alef it is a Patach, referring to the two maids Bilha & Zilpah. This makes perfect sense.
The Aravos which are the least of the Arba Minim represent the Amahos. My father was very excited because he came up with that exact same Pshat, before he saw the Heidenheim.
That same evening I went to Mr. F. Greenwood a”h  home. In his massive library he had 3-4 first & early prints of Machzorim.
They were all printed In the beginning of the 16th century.
I checked, and in all of them it said Keimahos (not like Heidenheim)

There was one more Machzor , a manuscript, written in
the 14th century . In this Machzor it does say Keamhos with aPatach under the Alef. This same Machzor, is probably ,the one, Heidenheim had in mind, when he wrote he foundin an old Machzor Keamhos.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Mishloach Manos

The Rema writes ,when sending Mishloach Manos, it shouldbe men to men and women to women and not the opposite (men to women - women to men)

Why ?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Chumus On Purim?

Why Should You Not Eat Chumus On Purim?

The Machzor Vitri in Maarovis for Purim writes:

  ארור האיש אשר יאכל פולין כתושים
Cursed is the man who eats ground beans [on Purim] 

Monday, March 3, 2014

What Is The Purim Leap?

                                         THE PURIM LEAP

The Gemoro ( Sanhedrin 64b)  כמשוורתא דפוריא . Rashi explains “On Purim,
children made a fire in a pit and jumped over it.”

The Rema (*Darkei Moshe O.Ch. 690) quotes from the Aruch who writes.
All Bachurim make an effigy of Haman and hang it on their roofs for a few

When Purim comes, they make a fire and they have a ring on which
they hang the effigy over the fire. They jump from one side (of the fire)
to the other. This ring is called *Mashvarta Depurim.

*This Darkei Moshe is printed only in the new Turim or in the
single volume Sefer D.M.(not in Tur)

* Shavarta = leap-jump

The Satmar Rebbe

  Parshas Hashavua אחרי  The Satmar Rebbe, R Yoilish Teitelbaum Zt"l was asked why he was so harsh and critical of כלל ישראל . Why co...