Friday, March 28, 2014

Shemona Yemei Mila

In the Piyut of Echod Mi Yodea it says Shemoinoh Yemei Milah
eight days of Milah (based on the gemoro Eruvin 40b)

The meforshim ask , There is only one day of Milah on
the eight day, and  not eight days of Milah.

I heard an answer given by R. Chaim Kanievsky Shlita.
There is an obligation not to make a Bris before
the eight day.*

Therefore there are eight days of Milah .

The first seven days to make sure not to do
the Bris and on the eight day to do it.

*many poskim hold that you weren’t  yotzei mitzvahs milah

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