Quality of life
The Ran in Meseches Nedarim (40a) says ,
If a sick person is suffering and he won’t get better, it is
proper to Daven for this person, to die.
As we find in the Gemoro,
the maid of Rebbi saw how difficult it was for him to remove
and put on his Tefillin every time he used the washroom, she
Davened that he should die.(Kesuvos 104a).
The Yalkut Shimoni (Devarim 11 :871) writes , there was a woman
who went to R. Yosi b. Chalafta and complained she was old and
fed up with life. Her food and drink have no taste. She wants to die.
R.Y.B.C. asked her what good deed, does she do. She answered
that she gets up early every morning and goes to Shul. R.Y.B.C.
advised her to stop doing it and within 3 days she died.
It seems, not tasting food & drink or having to put on and remove
Tefillin numerous times a day, is considred suffering and enough,
to Daven for that person to die.
On the other hand, we find Mamorei Chazal, that suffering in this
world has its benefits. We also find every minute alive is precious and
one may be Mechalell Shabbos to extend life even for a short period.
How do we reconcile with these conflicting Mamorei Chazal?
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