Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Nitel Nacht

What are you supposed to do on Nital night? 

The Hagohos on the Sefer Haminhagim (R. Izack Tirna) writes, on Nital Nacht

to say Oleinu after Davening aloud. (Sheheim Mishtachvim Lohevel Vorik)

Friday, December 27, 2013

Shabbos Mevorchim- Tefila Of Yechadeshehu

 The Aruch Hashulchan asks, “Why are  we allowed to say the Tefillah
Of Yehi Ratzon (Shabbos Mevorchim)
On Shabbos you may not daven for personal needs. (Chayim Aruchim
Parnasah etc.)
He writes , If it were up to him, he would abolish the wholeTefillah.

The reason for saying the Tefillah of Mi Sheoso Nisim, is because
Rosh Chodesh was the first Mitzvah after Geulas Mitzrayim, so
we daven for the Geulah to come again Bimheira V’yomeinu.
This will happen when Chaveirim Kol Yisroel.

The Baer Heiteiv quotes the Sefer Minhagim, to skip the
word Bekarov (Hu Yigal Osonu) so that you will have 21
words in the Tefillah, the Gematria of the Sheim ,  אהיה

and the Gematria of   אך טוב

Shabbos Mevorchim

The Mogen Avraham (417:1) writes, The Minhag is to stand when
the Chazzan announces (during Rosh Chodesh Bentching)
the day Rosh Chodesh will be on, similar to the times when they
were Mekadesh the Chodesh.

R. Akiva Eiger writes on himself  “(V’ani Vaar)  I am an Am
Ho’oretz* and I don’t know where do you find Kidush Hachodesh
was done standing. From the Mishna (R.H. 25b) it seems the
opposite, Bais Din was sitting, only the Eidim were standing.”

I once heard an answer . In Pirkei D’rabi Eliezer it says
they brought in a Sefer Torah and Bais Din said Mekudash-.
When a Sefer Torah is brought in, everybody needs to stand up.

Our Minhag is, for the Chazzan to hold the Sefer Torah during
time he announces . It is very likely, that it is done lezecher the
times of Kiddush Hachodesh.

*We should all be an Am Ho'oretz like him.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Help save a boys life, sign the petition

The Cohen family, of Houston, TX, is facing a battle none of us should have to go through - aggressive brain cancer in their 6-year old son Refael Elisha (Refael Elisha Meir ben Devorah). Having recently received the devastating news from their doctors that "there is nothing more we can do for him", the Cohens are turning to a last resort - Antineoplaston Therapy at the Burzyinski clinic. However, the FDA pulled their approval for this treatment in 2012 pending further clinical trials. They are told that the FDA is nearing approval to resume this treatment, but Refael Elisha does not have time to wait. The FDA has the power to approve a "compassionate use exemption" so Refael Elisha can undergo this therapy to try and save his life. They are asking the FDA to grant this exemption so they can continue to fight for his life. 100,000 signatures are needed in order for the White House to consider this. Sign the petition HERE


שלא שינו שמם

What was the most popular Jewish name at the time they went down to Mitzrayim?



Each one of 70 Yordei Mitzrayim  had a different
name, except for the two Chetzrons.

One Chetzron was the son of Reuvain and
the other was the son of Peretz (Yehudah).

*Chetzron (son of Peretz) was married, when he was two years old.
His brother Chomul  was one year old when he got married.
(probably the youngest person in Tanach to get married)

*Midrash Tanchuma Shemos 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Can you write the Ketoires On A Klaf

Daf Hashavua Yoma 37b (Kosvin Megillah Lehislamed Bo)

Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 283) :
You are not allowed to write one Parsha on its own, in the Torah. (except Tefillin & Mezuzos)

The Torah must be complete.

The Taz (sk2) writes the only Heter we have to write single Parshiyos, is for Children to learn (Eis Laasos Lashem). 

Mori V’rabi Hagaon R. Shlomo Miler shlita said, he can’t find a Heter to write a Ketores on a Klaf. A Segulah is not enough of a reason for "Heifeiroo Torasecha" In the Altneu Shul the Shivisi on the wall, is written in Roshei Teivos for the same reason.
Altneu Shul

Parshas Shemos-How To Become A Gadol

ויגדל משה ויצא אל אחיו וירא בסבלותם
 Moishe became a Gadol by going out to his
brothers and seeing (noticing) their pain and suffering.

Chasam Sofer

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Easy Question (Din in Shulchan Aruch)

When are you required to fast for 5 days ?

The Rema (Y.D. 123 : 26) quotes a Teshuvas Harosh, "If someone
drank Yayin Nesech Beshogeg, he should fast 5 days, because It says
5* times Gefen in Chumash."
*There are actually  7 times “Gefen”in the Torah. Some answer
We exclude 2 which are in Mishna Torah (Devarim)

The Orach Mishor argues and claims it says “in CHUMASH” ,
 Mishna Torah is part of Chumash.

The Bach says it’s referring to the five times it says
Gefen at the story of the Sar Hamashkim. This is also incorrect
It only says twice Gefen at the Sar Hamashkim.

The O.M. corrects the Girsa in the Bach, to say except for
the 2 at the Sar Hamashkim.

The Chasam Sofer has a long explanation why we exclude
The two times it says Gefen at the Sar Hamashkim.
(The two Gefens are referring to Yerushalayim shel Maloh


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Torah's Hashkafa re ending life

Quality of life
 The Ran in Meseches Nedarim (40a) says , If a sick person is suffering and he won’t get better, it is proper to Daven for this person, to die. 
As we find in the Gemoro, the maid of Rebbi saw how difficult it was for him to remove and put on his Tefillin every time he used the washroom, she Davened that he should die.(Kesuvos 104a). 

 The Yalkut Shimoni (Devarim 11 :871) writes , there was a woman who went to R. Yosi b. Chalafta and complained she was old and fed up with life. Her food and drink have no taste. She wants to die. R.Y.B.C. asked her what good deed, does she do. She answered that she gets up early every morning and goes to Shul. R.Y.B.C. advised her to stop doing it and within 3 days she died. 

 It seems, not tasting food & drink or having to put on and remove Tefillin numerous times a day, is considred suffering and enough, to Daven for that person to die. 

 On the other hand, we find Mamorei Chazal, that suffering in this world has its benefits. We also find every minute alive is precious and one may be Mechalell Shabbos to extend life even for a short period. How do we reconcile with these conflicting Mamorei Chazal?

Monday, December 16, 2013

Halacha Based On Agada

The Rambam (Hl. Krias Shma 1: 4) writes ,After saying the first Pasuk of Shma, you say quietly Baruch Sheim K’vod-. The reason for doing so, we have a Mesorah* (tradition) When Yackov gathered all his children- - They all said Shma Yisroel and Yackov answered Baruch Sheim-. It is interesting, for the Rambam to base a Halacha on an Agadeta. ( I am not aware of any other Halacha that is based on Agadeta) *Pesachim 56b

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

What Happened On The 9th Of Teves

The Mechaber in Shulchan Aruch (O. Ch. 580) lists additional fast days.

One of the fast days is on the 9th day in Teves. “It is unknown what
Tzoroh happened on that day”.

The Mishno Verurah (sk 13) writes “In our Selichos (Ezkero Motzok)
it is written that Ezra Hasofer died on the 9th of the month".

It is interesting, this Piyut is said, only by Ashkenazim. The Sefardim
say instead the Piyut “Sha’a Elyon” and the Piyut “Yoshev Bashomayim”.
In both of these Piyutim, it is mentioned that Ezra Hasofer died on the 10th of Teves.

The Mechaber, being a Sefardi, must have held that Ezra died
on the 10th and therefore didn’t know what happened on the
9th of Teves.

The Tosfos Chadoshim on Megilas Ta’anis writes that
Yeisho Hanotzri ym”s was born on the 9th of Teves.

Chazal were scared of the Nochrim, to write,
that we fast on his birthday.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

הדלקה לאו עבודה-Daf Yomi

Daf Hashavua
Yoma 24b  זאת חנוכה

הדלקה לאו עבודה

In Hilchos Chanukah we pasken   הדלקה עושה מצוה whereas according to the Rambam ,
at the Bais Hamikdash , a   זר  may light the Menorah.( even Lekatchila)  The way it would
be done , by taking the Menorah out and have the זר light and then return it back to it’s place. 

The obvious question  , if at the Bais Hamikdash we pasken הנחה עושה מצוה ,
Why for Chanukah do we pasken   הדלקה עושה מצוה ?

The Rogatchover-Reb Yosef Rozen

The Rogatchover Gaon zt”l says “in the times Of Bayis Sheini when there was no Shemen Hmishcha the way to be mekadesh a new Kli Shoreis, was having a Kohen  use it for the first time, during the Avodah.

During the Nes Chanukah  they lit with a new Menorah for the first time.

To be Mekadesh  the new Menorah,required Kohanim to light the Menorah

Mori V’rabi Hagaon R. Shlomo Miller Shlita said with this Rogatchover we understand why we pasken הדלקה עושה מצוה . Chazal wanted to commemorate the Chinuch of the new Menorah ,which required a Kohein to do the
the Hadlakah.

אחת ושבע                   
ואני הקטן הוספתי ,ובזה מיושב קושיית הב"י –
ביום א' התקינו לזכר חנוכת המנורה          
ועוד ז' זכר נס פך שמן                 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What To Wish Someone On A Yahrtzeit

The Bracha "The Neshama Zoll Hoben An Aliyah”, was introduced, by the Chassidim. Eventually it was adopted by the rest of Klal Yisroel.

Ashkenazic (German) Yidden, wish the Ba’al Hayarzeit " Ad Bias Goel Tzedek" and he answers back, "Bimheira Veyomeinu." They also give him a Bracha, “Chayim Aruchim”.

It is brought down, to wish the Ba’al Hayarzeit, “Mazel Tov”. 

He had a bad Mazel on the day of the death of his relative (israi mazlei) so you wish him to have from now on good Mazel on that day

Torah Trivia

In this weeks Parsha,(Bo) there are two foods that should be
eaten roasted.

 1) Korban Pesach

 2)   ???  (Din in Shulchan Aruch)

Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 61 – 12) Matnos Kehuno (meats) should be roasted and eaten with mustard.
( should be eaten in a royal manner , like kings eat their food.)

One of the 24  Matnos Kehuno is, the sheep that is used to redeem a first born
donkey, and given to the Kohen. (pidyon peter chamor).

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