Friday, December 27, 2013

Shabbos Mevorchim

The Mogen Avraham (417:1) writes, The Minhag is to stand when
the Chazzan announces (during Rosh Chodesh Bentching)
the day Rosh Chodesh will be on, similar to the times when they
were Mekadesh the Chodesh.

R. Akiva Eiger writes on himself  “(V’ani Vaar)  I am an Am
Ho’oretz* and I don’t know where do you find Kidush Hachodesh
was done standing. From the Mishna (R.H. 25b) it seems the
opposite, Bais Din was sitting, only the Eidim were standing.”

I once heard an answer . In Pirkei D’rabi Eliezer it says
they brought in a Sefer Torah and Bais Din said Mekudash-.
When a Sefer Torah is brought in, everybody needs to stand up.

Our Minhag is, for the Chazzan to hold the Sefer Torah during
time he announces . It is very likely, that it is done lezecher the
times of Kiddush Hachodesh.

*We should all be an Am Ho'oretz like him.

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