Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Parshas Miketz- Saying Yehi Ratzon For Dreams

The Toras Chaim* (Bava Kama 55a) writes the Tefillah "Ribono shel Olam",  that is said during Birkas Kohanim (for bad dreams) works only on dreams one had the night before. (on yom tov) It won't work for dreams older than a day.

The same way as fasting for bad dreams has to be immediately after the dream, so too must the Tefillah be said  on the day after the dream.

Someone asked R’ Yaakov Kamenetsky zt"l on Yom Tov morning

Should I say the Ribbono Shel Olam 3 times as mentioned in the Rema?

R’ Yaakov answered he should say it three times

The man noticed R’ Yaakov saying the Yehi Ratzon(not like the Rema)  and asked him why

He said “ich too vuss mein Tatte hutt getohn”

* R. Avraham Chaim Shur (400 yrs. ago)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sefer Chasidim On Dreams -Parshas Mikeitz

The Sefer Chasidim (447) writes:

 "If you dream t a good dream don't tell your wife. She might tell others and then the dream won't come true".

Monday, November 25, 2013

Pharoh's Dream-Parshas Miketz

The Gemoro Brachos 55b says:
"No one has ever had a dream of an elephant passing through an eye of a pin."
How did Pharaoh dream the thin cows swallowing up the fat cows?

Upharoh Cholem and not Cholam. Cholem is present Cholam is past tense.

The Chasam Sofer writes the reason it says Cholem (present) to tell us that Pharohwas a dreamer, he always used to dream . He would not get excited with normal dreams.

The reason these dreams did worry him,was because it was unusual and abnormal .
It was like a dream of an elephant walking through a pinhole. He realized this can't be a dream. It must be message coming from a higher up. 

Ponovezher Rov zt"l.dreams -Parshas Mikeitz

In the late 40's Rav. Y.I.Herzog zt"l was in Bnei Brak  and met the Ponovezher Rov zt"l.

The Ponovezher Rov showed Rav Herzog  a large hill and told him he plans to build a Yeshiva for hundreds of Talmidim, on top of the hill.

Rav Herzog. said just one word "Chalomos" (dreams).

The Ponovezher Rov answered back 
" Men meg cholomen
ober schlofen tor men nit."

"You are allowed to dream but sleep,you may not ."

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Yoma not Youma

Daf Hashavua
Yoma 2a

The Yavetz writes, that  the Tosfos in Meseches Yoma is  from  
the Maharam MiRotenberg . (R.Mier ben Baruch).


Rashi translates כלי גללים  vessels made from animal manure.
In Meseches Shabbos 16b Rashi translates כלי גללים -   שייש
(marble). The Bach & R. Akiva Eiger remark on the סתירה  in
The Netziv claims that the word שייש   (in Rashi) is not
a Loshon Hakodesh word(marble) but a La’az word for
manure. In German the word  SH-T (rhymes with it) is” Scheiss”.


There is no such a word as Mesechta Youma. It's YOMA

Monday, November 11, 2013


לע"נ האשה רות בת ר' צבי יהודה ע"ה - יום השנה – ז' כסלו

There is a Machlokes Tanaim if Gid Hanashe is Muter or Asur  Behanha
(benefit) Reb Yehuda holds that it is Muter and Reb Shimon holds it is Asur.

The Bais Yosef (Y.D. 65) holds that is best to refrain from having Hanaha
from the Gid Hanasha because The Zohar (Parshas Vayishlach) writes
that it is Asur Behanha.

The Rema in Darkei Moshe writes, he heard that the author of
The Zohar was R. Shimon (Bar Yochai) who is mentioned in the Talmud.

If that is the case, why care that the Zohar holds that it is Asur.
The Gemoro (Eruvin 46b) rules, where there is a Machlokes between R. Shimon and Reb Yehuda the Halacha is like R. Yehuda

For a detailed discussion if Reb Shimon Ben Yochai wrote the zohar click HERE

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Does Reb Shimon Ben Yochai Agree With The Zohar ?

Daf Hashavua (part 1)
Shkalim 16b

How were the Luchos written?
R. Chanina ben Gamliel says 5 dibros on each Luach (5+5) 

The Rabonan says 10 on each Luach (10 +10)

R. Shimon bar Yochai says 20 on each Luach (20+20).  
10 in the front & 10 in the back of each Luach. 

R. Simai says 40  on each Luach
(40+40) 10 dibros on all 4 sides of each Luach.

Had this been a  Machlokes in Halacha, we woud definitely  not pasken like Reb Chanina ben Gamliel  who said it had 5 dibros on each Luach. (daas yochid)

It is interesting that all pictures and Luchos in Shuls  depict
5 dibros on each Luach.

The Zohar* also holds, like Reb Chanina Ben Gamliel. that it  had  5 dibros
on each Luach.(5+5)

It seems , the Zohar disagrees with R.Shimon bar Yochai,
who said it had 10 dibros on both sides. (20+20)

*Parshas Yisro, Rashi Shir Hashirim # 4:5

For A detailed discussion if Reb Shimon Ben Yochai wrote the Zohar Click HERE

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

This Is Not A Trick Question

Daf Hashavua (part 2)
Shkalim 16b

How many La’avin לא תעשה)) are there in the Aseres Hadibros?

Ten Commandments display at the Texas State Capitol in Austin.

The Rambam in Sefer Hamitzvos enumerates
all twelve as separate Lavin

1) לא יהיה לך
2 לא תעשה לך
3) לא תשתחווה להם
4) ולא תעבדם
5) לא תשא את שם
6)לא תעשה כל מלאכה
7) לא תרצח
8) לא תנאף
9)לא תגנב
10) לא תענה ברעך
11) לא תחמד בית

12) לא תחמד אשת

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Torah Trivia

Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 240 : 22) A younger brother is Mechuyav to
honor his older brother.*

When does this same chiyuv require the older brother  to honor his younger brother?

*The Poskim add, even if  the younger brother is a bigger Talmid Chacham

If twins were born in a leap year one on the 29th day in Adar 1 (Rishon)
and the second one was born on the 1st. of Adar2 (Sheini),
The Hilchos Ketanos (2 :174) writes," being the younger brother
becomes a Gadol before his older brother*, the older brother is
Mechuyav to honour his younger brother".
The Shevus Yackov argues and holds even in this case the younger
brother, is Mechuyav to honour his older brother.
Fromhe Ramban ( Breishis 32:5) it seems
that Yackov wasn't required to honour Esau
because he sold him the Bechora . Could be
that Esau would be mechuyav to Honour Yackov.
*If Bar Mitzvah falls in a regular year

Twins In Parshas Vayetzei

The Seder Olam (Perek 2) writes Leah & Rochel were twins, both were 22*yrs
old when they married.

*The Gaon changes the girsa to 21 yrs.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Who were the Chachamim Rishonim

Daf Hashavua
Shkalim 8a

The Gemoro brings a Machlokes of Avos Haolom.

 The Gemoro  asks:

“Who were the Avos Haolom?” and answers “ it was R. Akivah & R. Yishmael.”
The Korban Haeidah explains Avos Haolom = Tanaim Harishonim. (early Tanaim)

When the Rambam quotes Chazal, he usually writes Omru Chazal or Omru Chachamim. There are a number of times where he writes
Omru  Chachamim Harishonim (last week)

 The Rambam (Hl. Shabbos  30 : 7 ) writes Omru Chachamim Harishonim

עשה שבתך חול ואל תצטרך לבריות .

 This Mamar is from Reb  Akivah
It is very likely , when the Rambam quotes Ma’amorim from early Tanaim ,

He refers to them as Chachamim Harishonim.

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