The Bach Y.D. 217 quotes
the Teshuvas R. Chaim Paltiel *1,
"Making a Neder
to go to the Bais
Hakevoros, sounds a little like Doresh El Hameisim.
Kalev ben Yefune when he
davened at the Mearat Hamachpeila,
davened directly to
Hashem and not to the Avos. The reason he davened there
was , it being a Makom
Women and men who aren't
aware of this, for them I don't see any purpose
going to a Bais
Hakevoros." (He was matir the Neder).
The Bach continues, that
today the minhag to go to Kivrei Tzadikim and no one
is Mochè (objects)
There are some Mamorei
Chazal, Zohar Sefer Chasidim and others who
do allow to daven
directly to the Meisim to be a Meilitz Yosher .
Most Pokim*2 hold, you may not daven
to the Meism to interfere on your behalf.
The second problem of
davening in a Bais Hakevoros is, Loèg Lèrosh (embarrassing
the dead.)
It says in Shulchan
Aruch (344-17), The only time you are allowed to say Pesukim or
Dvar Torah in front of a
Meis or in a Bais Hakevoros, is when you are saying it
Lekovod Hameis. Davening
for your own sake is problematic because of Loeg Lèrosh.
The Shu"t Minchas
Elozor ( #3- 53) attempts to justify, Davening at Kivrei Tzadikim.
The Satmarer Rebbe R.
Yoel Teitelbaum zt"l (Al Hageulah Vèal Hatemurah 108)
writes, visiting Kivrei
Tzadikim is only for people who understand and know how
to connect with the
Tzadik. For the masses there is no point to go to Kivrei Tzadikim.
*1 Ba'alei Tosfos
* 2Rambam (Pirush
Hamishnayos P. Chelek)- Sefer Haikrim (17)- Levush- Maharal - Maharil
Chayei Adam- R. Chaim
Volozhin - Chasam Sofer- Mishna Verura etc.
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