Monday, April 29, 2013

Which days during the year is it brought down in Halacha to eat honey ?

1) The Mishna Verura (494 sk 13) quotes the Kol Bo ,”some have the Minhag
on Shavuos to eat honey and milk . The Torah is likened to honey and milk”

2) Rosh Hashana

Friday, April 26, 2013

Pythagoras's Theorem

Daf Hashavua Eruvin 48a

My father a”h told me, he heard a Shiur from R.M.B. Weissmandel zt"l on Hl. Succah.
The  minimum size for a kosher Succah is 7x 7 Tefachim. The diagonal of 7x7 =  9.89949494 tefachim

R.M.B. said that the Gemoro Eruvin 48a says that the average height of a person
is 3 Amos (18 tefachim)*
A person who is 18 tefachim his Rosho Vrubo would be 9.1 tefachim.
For him to fit in his Rosho V’rubo on the diagonal, the Succah’s diagonal needs to
be larger than 9.1 tefachim because the shape of a human head doesn’t end at a 90’
R.M.B. came up with the exact measurement (The rest, I don’t know)

*According to one pshat in Tosfos it doesn’t include his head.

Bimheiro Yavo V'yigaleinu Im Mashiach ben Dovid

Daf  Hashavua
Eruvin 43a, 45b

The Gemoro (Eruvin 43a) assumes that Eliyahu Hanavi cannot appear on Shabbos & Yom Tov,
because of the issur of Chutz L’tchum. (if issur techumin is lemaloh meiasarah )

How can we say at a Bris, on Shabbos & Yom Tov “Zeh Hakisei shel Eliyahu—Amoid al Yemini- ?

The Shu”t Chasam Sofer (chelek 6-98) explains that there are two parts to E.Hanavi. His
Guf (body) which is resting in Gan Eden Hatachton, in this world. The other part is his
Neshama, which went up to heaven and serves as a Malach.

At a Bris he appears as a Malach (Malach Habris) from heaven. A Malach is not
obligated to keep the Mitzvohs. There also is no din of Techumin from heaven to earth
(Tosfos 45b dh. Leima) .
When the time will come, Bimeheiro Veyomeinu to bring us the Besura of Higia Z’man
Geulaschem, E. Hanavi will appear with his Guf & Neshama. In this stage he is like any
Yid who is Mechuyav in Mitzvohs . He can’t come on Shabbos & Y.T. from Gan Eden
Hatachton which is Chutz L’tchum.

Tishbi Yetaretz Kushyos Uboyos will be with his Guf, therefore
we don’t have the problem of Lo Bashomayim Hie
Those who believe that E. Hanavi appears at the seder,
it can only be the Neshama (Guf can’t come from chutz l’tchum)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Parshas hashovua (Emor)-Pesukim By Sefira

The Chok Yakov ( O. Ch.489) writes ,not to say  the kabalistic tefilos  when
counting the Omer.( Ribono Shel Olam. The Chida in Avodas Hakodesh
has a special Tefillah after each week of the Sefira.)
“The reason to refrain from these Tefilos ,is we have no clue what it means.
These tefilos are only for practicing kabalists who know and understand what they
 are saying. Even the Kabalist  should only say it betzina and quietly. “

Most Shuls & Kehilos  do say it, so we should attempt to understand it at
least in the most elementary level.
(The Teshuvas Rashbash (189) writes that we have no clue what sefiros  are.)

The Mishna in Avos
Hashem created the world Basara Ma’amoros. The Kabbalist refer to them as the ten
Sefiros , the tools with which Hashem created and runs (sends his Ha’ashpa’a ) his world.

When we say “Ma Shepagamti Bisefirah” (what I have blemished with the sefira.)
The simple explanation is, by doing an Aveirah  we somehow block the Tzinor (pipe)
from where Hashem’s Ha’ashpa’a  flows through  to this world.  

Monday, April 22, 2013


Part 2
The Rezah was probably the first person to tamper with the nusach hatefilah. He
held that dikduk overrides the nusach established by the anshei knesses hagedola.
The Yavetz (R. Yakov Emden ) criticized him strongly. He published a sefer (Luach Eres)
whose sole purpose was to point out the mistakes and argue on the Rezah . In his Hakdama
he writes “It is unbelievable what he(Rezah) did. He destroyed and broke fences, moved into
territory that doesn’t belong to him and there he destroyed and built without permission.
He made changes whenever he felt like it.
He had the Haozoh (chutzpa) to tamper with the nusach of the Anshei Knesses Hagedola”.
The Yavetz also claimed that the haskama from the Chacham Zvi was forged, in order
to make for himself a great name(Rezah) .
R. Dovid Yitzchaki claimed that all the other Haskamos were also forged.
R. Mordechai Duseldorff wrote a Kunteres (Kunteres Hahasogos) with 192 proofs against the
Rezah. The Kunteres has a Haskama from the Noda B’yehuda .
After the Rezah another maskil and medakdek , Itzik Stanov appearead, and followed the
Rezah. He changed the nusach according to dikduk and from
leshon chazal to leshon Tanach. (Leisheiv Basukah to Losheves Basukah) etc.
Unfortunately this trend continued. In some Chasidic courts, they added and subtracted
from the original nusach of the Anshei Knesses Hagedola.
Eventually even in the mainstream siddurim, many changes crept in from
the Rezah and Itzik Stanov.
Untill 300 years ago , every siddur ,Yisgadal Veyiskadash was pronounced with a
patach. Rezah changed it to Yisgadeil Veyiskadeish with a tzeirei.
The Mishna Verura quotes the Pri Megodim who quotes the Rezah to say it
with a tzeirei. In most of the Litvishe Yeshivos they pronounce it with a tzeirei.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Eight Days Of Milah

In the Piyut of Echod Mi Yodea it says Shemoinoh Yemei Milah eight days of Milah.
(based on the gemoro Eruvin 40b)
The meforshim ask , There is only one day of Milah on the eight day, and
not eight days of Milah.
I heard an answer from R. Chaim Kanievsky Shlita.
There is an obligation not to make a Bris before the eight day,* therefore there are
eight days of Milah . The first seven days to make sure not to do
the Bris and on the eight day to do it.

*many poskim hold that you weren’t  yotzei mitzvahs milah.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Torah Trivia

When are you obligated to stand up for a seven year old child?
(the child is not carrying a sefer torah etc.)

The Bais Yosef (Y.D. 244) quotes the Shibulei Leket
"Even a child who is not mechuyav in mitzvohs
but is a chacham, there is a Mitzvas Asei Min
Hatorah to stand up for him."

The Megaleh Amukos in Parshas Bo printed a
long drasha in Kabbalah from his seven year old
son, Shlomo. *

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Halo Dovor Hu

According to Kabbalah the Birchas Hailonos should be said only in Chodesh Nissan. This year
our calendar is  very  early in the solar year. The trees in North America, haven’t
 blossomed yet . We will have to make the Bracha in Iyar. According to the Mishna Verura
and most Poskim it is perfectly acceptable to make the Bracha in the months of Adar or Iyar.

The Gemoro (Brochos 43b) and all Poskim (Tur Sh. Aruch 233) have the nusach
Shelo Chisar Bo’olamo KLUM.
Most Siddurim have the nusach is Shelo Chisar Bo’olamo DOVOR
(Part 1)
R. (Shlomo) Zalmen Hena  (REZAH)  was one of the greatest Balei Dikduk. The Pri
Megadim calls him “Harav Hamedakdek  Hagadol” (O. Ch. 56)
It is said that the Vilna Gaon acquired his knowledge in dikduk from the seforim
of the Rezah.
In the year 1725 the Rezah printed his SiddurBais Tefilah” with his pirushShaarei
Tefillah” . The Siddur has a Haskamah from the Chacham Zvi and other Gedolim.
Wherever  the dikduk was incorrect, he changed  the nusach.  He also changed from leshon
Chachamim (KLUM) to leshon Torah(DOVOR) .
Most of the changes in the Bal Hatanya’s Siddur are based on the Rezah’s  SiddurBais
Hatefilah” .
The Shu”t  Minchas Yitzchok (10 – 16) criticizes the  Siddurim  printers for changing
the nusach from Klum to Dovor. He probably was not aware that this change was
done by the Rezah

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Shiduch Crisis Explained

The Rambam wrote to his son that his hair turned white because of the worries
he had , marrying off his daughter. 

The Ksav Sofer explains the pasuk “Vahashem
Beirach es Avraham BAKOL. One pshat in the gemoro is, he had no daughters.

Had he have had a daughter, even with all his money, he would of not have been
completely blessed ,because of the shidduch worries. 

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