Monday, January 7, 2013

Where does the expression BOBBE MA’ASES come from?

Where does the expression BOBBE MA’ASES come from?

The first chumash that was translated into Yiddish, was done by R. Eliyahu Bachur*.
He wrote tens of seforim on dikduk ,mesorah and ta’amim. He also translated and
wrote many seforim and books in Yiddish.
He translated (Yiddish) a story about a prince called Bobbe Dantuna. He called the
book, Bobbe Buch.
The expression Bobbe Ma’ases, started with his Buch. It has nothing to do with a
grandmother  but a prince called Bobbe.

*Most Seforim  who quote his Seforim, call him,  “Habachur”
  He was married , some speculate that he got married late
  and Habachur remained stuck to his name. Others claim Habachur
  means the chosen. 

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