It's no סתירה

לז"נ אמי מורתי מרת געלא בת ר' אברהם אשי ע"ה
'יום השנה ד' אדר א 

It's no סתירה

The Bais Shmuel (E.H.129) writes, There was someone whose mother and mother in law were both named Esther. One of them
died. The Rema paskened they should name the child סתירה which is similar to Esther (who died). 

The Yam Shel Shlomo  brings a similar story where one parent was called אורי and the other was called מאיר
and they named the baby שניאור.

It seems from the Rema & Maharshal that you can name a child after someone even if the name is not exactly the same.

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