Erev Shabbos Parshas Chukas

The Mogen Avraham #580  quotes The Tanya Rabosi:

   “ On Friday Parshas Chukas Yechidim (individuals) fast. That day 20 [24] wagons of seforim were burnt. The fast day was established on Friday Chukas rather than the 9th of Tamuz. This is because they made a Sheilos Chalom if the gezeira was from Shomayim.

The answer came back,  the Targum of Zos Chukas Hatorah “ DO GEZEIRAS ORYSA” This is a Gezeira from Shomayim and it is on Fridays of Parshas Chukas.

Some years (like this year) Parshas Chukas is read in Eretz Yisroel a week earlier
than in Chu"l 

Hence the Ta'anis is one week earlier 

in Eretz Yisroel than in Chu"l.

R. Zev Rivkin Shlita  Shaila, "If someone is in E,Y. the first Parshas Chukas and will be in  Chu"l for the second Parshas Chukas, does he fast the first Friday,the second Friday or both?".

answers appreciated

1 comment:

  1. The Magen Avraham writes that a בעל נפש- one who is careful and sensitive to mitzvos- should also fast on the 9th of Tamuz. The pasuk tells us that the walls of Jerusalem were breeched on this date during the 1st Beis HaMikdash.


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