Answer To How Old

 B,D &E are the correct answers.

b)   3     Yrs. 
d) 12     Yrs.
e) 14     Yrs.

Most of us are familiar with the Rashi
who quotes from the סדר עולם& מס' סופרים
that Rivka was 3 Yrs. old when
she married Yitzchok.
Some are unaware of the Tosfos 
(Yevamos 61b & 64a) who quote 
from the Midrash that she was 12 
or 14 yrs. old when she married 

Yitzchok. מדרשות חלוקין זע"ז

1 comment:

  1. There is also also a manuscript of Seder Olam which says she was 14.


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