Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Second Coming, New Testament, & פרשת החדש

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פרשת החדש

"The Second Coming" & "The New Testament"

In the סילוק לפ' החדש The קליר  refers to  Moshiach's
arrival “ויתכסה מהם שבעים שבעה ( *ששה)”  A period of
seven times a seven-year cycle משיח will be covered.

Rashi in (12-דניאל (12  explains that  after מלך המשיח will
reveal himself,   he will go back into hiding for forty-five
years and then reveal himself again.

(second coming)

The פיוט continues and enumerates all the new occurrences
that will happen after Moshiach’s arrival. One of them
will be  “לכרות ברית חדשה”. Hashem will make a new
with all the animals & humans not to harm
each other.

*Rashi has the גירסאששה (6)

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