לז"נ אבי מורי ר' צבי יהודה בן ר' משה זללה"ה
א' טבת (ר"ח) in history is a
special day for something
that did NOT happen.
It happened every single day of the year except
for one day in the year א' טבת (ר"ח).
R. Tzvi Yehuda (Hashi)
Friedman a"h (1925-2005)
בשבת קדש א' דר"ח טבת (ל' כסליו) ה'תשס"ו
Born in Pressburg, Slovakia, Reb Hashi was a
descendant of the Chasam Sofer, whose youngest daughter, Rechel, married Reb
Tzvi Yehuda Friedman from Topolcany. Their youngest son, Yeshaya, had a
son, Moshe. Reb Moshe had three sons, Nissan, Hashi, and
Pinchas. Among Hashi’s Rabbaiem were Rav D, Z, Peteney (Maharsha Ha;
Aruch) Rav Akiva Sofer (the Daas Sofer), Rav Avraham Shmuel Binyomin Sofer (the
Cheishev Sofer), Rav Yidel Donath, Rav S.D. Unger (Nitra Rav) Rav Refuel
Bloom (Kashau Rav) Rav Moshe Stern (Debrecen Rav) and Rav Michoel Ber
Weissmandel zt"l.In the early forties, he was constantly running away from
the Nazis ym"s. Wherever he escaped to he managed to pick up and learn
from a new Rebbie. In 1944, he was sent to Auschwitz and marched the Death
March to Gleiwitz and was transported to Buchenwald. His entire family was
murdered and he remained the sole survivor in the family. His life was filled
with Torah& Chesed. He had a brilliant mind, was an original thinker, a
Gevaldige Mechadesh, and had a tremendous memory and a keen interest in
all facets in Torah. He was a tremendous Talmid Chacham and Yadan
Bchol Miktzo'os Hatorah. His Olam Hazeh and greatest pleasure in life
was to learn and teach Torah. In his office at work, he had a Seforim Shrank
fully stocked with Seforim so he could learn while he was free from work.
He gave countless Shiurim Berabim. He was in the midst of giving a Gemoro
Shiur, early in the morning when he was called out to move his car. On his
way out he slipped on the ice and fell. He never regained consciousness. He was
niftar the following day Shabbos Chanuka Parshas Mikeitz. He was
Mekayam the Pasuk וזאת התורה אדם כי ימות באהל
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