Thursday, September 12, 2024

Full of --it



Parshas Hashavua
כי תצא


(ויתד תהיה לך על אזנך (דברים כ"ג: י"ד



During the time of the second Bais Hamikdash, various
sects and cults existed. Among them was the ”Issi’im” 
called them “
טובלי שחרית”.(went to the Mikveh every morning). 

The טובלי שחרית considered טהרה and hygiene as one and
were very strict about it. They frequented the Mikveh numerous
times throughout the day.
They started the day by going to the Mikveh. They also went
to the Mikveh before the meals, after relieving themselves
and if they touched someone who was from a lower cast.


They also had their חומרות in Hilchos Shabbos. 

They  wouldn't relieve themselves  the entire Shabbos 
because they wouldn’t use a shovel on Shabbos.



Now that you know this piece of history you will
understand Pshat* in the Gaon on the last
תוספתא in
מסכת ידיים
שהוא מלא צואה ולזה לא מהני טבילה)

*About twenty years ago in Bnei Brak, I met with
רשכבה"ג הרב הגאון ר' דב לנדוי שליט"א and asked him Pshat
in this
גאון. After he told me מלא צואה refers to עבודה זרה  I explained
to him my Pshat. He immediately admitted & agreed with my
פשט that it means צואה ממש

אוצר ישראל- איסיים




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