Thursday, August 1, 2024





THE YOM TOV OF כ"ו תמוז
TODAY, time to put on the Shtreimel & party

R. Shmuel Gurary A"H a wealthy Chabad Chasid, purchased 
hundreds of letters of the
בעל שם טוב that were found in the
*Kherson Geniza.
He presented them to
his Rebbe the מהרש"ב הרב שלום דוב בער זצ"ל

In the 1930s, 
הרב יוסף יצחק שניאורסאהן זצ"ל  (Frierdiger Rebbe) 
published some three hundred letters, purportedly from 
the pen of the
בעל שם טוב & his Talmidim. in the Chabad journal, "התמים". 

There are two letters in the
התמים where the בעל שם טוב
and some of his Talmidim declared 
כ"ו תמוז as a 
Yom Tov & is to be celebrated by all future generations
as a
יום משתה ושמחה וגיל לנו ולזרעינו-- עד העולם

The Kherson Geniza was proven to be a complete forgery
Chabad is the only one who still considers them authentic






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