Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Why not to thank צה"ל


  בור ששתית ממנו אל תזרוק בו אבן 
    מדרש תנחומא -רבה, פ' מטות

        Why not to thank the חיילי צה"ל

a) צה"ל is not the one protecting us It is entirely in Hashem's hands.

Similarly, when your wife bakes Challah and all goes well,
this too is entirely in Hashem's hands. No need to thank her

b) They are part of an organization attempting to destroy Yiddishkeit.

If a medical Doctor treats a family member, given that he is a member
of an organization promoting the killing of unborn babies, the elderly,
& the sick, No need to thank him.

c) They aren't volunteering it's only because of the draft.

When the plumber arrives in the middle of the night
to fix a burst pipe, considering he gets paid time & a half 
and isn't volunteering to show up, No need to thank him.

d) They are not Frum & some are even anti Frum.

When the Polish Shiksa takes excellent care of the 100 year 
old wheelchair-bound relative, we should presume the 
Shiksa is an antisemite No need to thank her.

e) The Zionists, by creating the State are at fault for our
need for protection.

The state was created fifty years before this soldier was even born.
Nevertheless, he is at fault and not entitled to a "Thank You" for
risking his life protecting us from all the dangerous enemies.



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