Thursday, July 18, 2024

Phony Kabbalists



 ולא קם נביא בישראל כמשה - אבל באומות קם
. ואיזה? זה בלעם בן בעור
  ספרי דברים ל"ד:י 

Mori V'Rabi Harav Hagaon R Shlomo Miller Shlita quoted
the זהר חדש that says "Every person before he is born
Hashem  is גוזר (decrees) on him if he will be a נביא a חכם a
בעל מקרא ומשנה  a בעל רוח הקדש etc.

However, if he will be a צדיק or a רשע is not decreed."

RSM pointed out We see from here that one can have
רוח הקדש yet he is a רשע

You can have a so-called Kabbalist who might have psychic
powers yet he is not a צדיק and perhaps even a רשע



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