Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Donuts or Pizza?

  Donuts or Pizza?


In Shulchan Aruch, there is no mention of eating on Chanukah foods fried in oil .(Latkes & donuts etc.)

In Shulchan Aruch (Rema) it does say to eacheese on Chanukah.

Probably the first & only מקור (source) for Donuts on Chanukah is from a copy of a כתב יד (manuscript) that  Rav Y.M. Toledano z"l found.

In his Sefer שריד ופליט, he quotes from a כתב יד of R. Maimon (Rambam's father) where he mentions the Minhag of donuts on Chanukah.

It seems Rav Toledano himself wasn't convinced of this כתב יד to be authentic. Somehow  the location of his find is unknown.

Donuts or Pizza?
It seems, that the מסורה of our mothers (fried foods) has precdence over הלכה in שלחן ערוך (cheese)

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