Friday, October 21, 2022

She beat him with a stick



Parshas Hashavua
(הוא נתנה לי מן העץ (בראשית ג : י"ג

The בעל הטורים writes that אדם said to Hashem
"שהיכיתני בעץ עד ששמעתי לדבריה" 

"חוה beat me with a stick and forced me
to listen to her"
. (first day of marriage)


Someone wrote* in one of the Torah journals
(הדרום ניסן תשכ"ה) that this must be a joke. Some
prankster must have added it to the בעל הטורים.

He claims it is a Mitzvah to erase this quote
from the בעל הטורים.

The truth is this quote was not added by a
prankster. The original כתבי יד (manuscripts)
still exists and it says so clearly.
The first print of the
(טור עה"ת (שנת רע"ד also mentions it

The (ספר מושב זקנים (בעלי תוספות writes that being חוה
had already eaten  from the עץ הדעת so she had the
brains to beat אדם--

Also the Chofetz Chaim in שם עולם writes
the exact quote in the name of the Midrash.

*The בן איש חי too, claimed it to be a
joke  that a prankster  put it in.




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