Monday, February 7, 2022

Everybody has it wrong



   Parshas Hashavua תצוה


Not everybody, but almost all have the Wrong Teitch

Even Artscroll incorrectly translated ואתה תצוה "You SHALL command"

 You shall command-דוא זאלסט באפעלען -WRONG

 You will command-דוא וועסט באפעלען  - CORRECT

Rashi in Parshas (אמור (כ"ד:ב translates,ואתה תצוה
"You WILL command"  (prediction)

In this week's Parsha, Hashem is predicting to Moishe that
he will command the בני ישראל  in the future.
Hashem is not commanding Moishe to command the בני ישראל





1 comment:

  1. Abarbenel says similarly - why do we have this "command of Shemen Zaiys" right before the discussion of the bigdei kehuna - he answers this is not a command, rather since you 'will be' commanding aharon to light . . . he will need to be dressed appropriately therefore v'elah ha'bigadim asher tasu . . .


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