Friday, November 5, 2021

Was Yitzchok's Bracha to Yakov ever fulfilled?




                  When was Yitzchok's Bracha fulfilled?

          ברכת יצחק
1) ויתן לך -ורב דגן ותירש
2) -וישתחוו לך לאמים-הוה גביר לאחיך-
3) ארריך ארור ומברכיך ברוך

The בעל הטורים writes that the ברכות יצחק
took effect from the times of דוד המלך and
lasted until יהורם  (six generations)

It might seem an insignificant ברכה that 
lasted only approximately 150 years out of
approximately 3600 years. (4% of the total
time since the Bracha was given)

Perhaps it was well worth it for Rivka & Yakov
to take the risk of acquiring this ברכה that only
lasted for about 150 years because in those
150 years the בית המקדש was built and
מלכות בית דוד משיחו was established. 

These two important events in our history might
have been able to happen only because of
Yitzchok's Bracha.

These events enabled us to survive the גלות by
yearning for 2000 years to ותחזינה עינינו בשובך לציון
and to ובא לציון גואל



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