Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Rebbe or a Rosh Yeshivah?


וישכם לבן ---ויברך אתהם

The ספורנו writes, that the Torah mentions 
לבן Bentching his daughters, to teach us, a father's Bracha
to his children is very powerful (even from an עכו"ם)

Rebbe or Rosh Yeshiva

According to the מאירי
מו"ק ט' ע"א, 
A person should always cherish a Bracha from a 
Talmid Chacham. He should attempt with all his might
to receive a Bracha from the ת"ח.

It would seem, that if one needs to make a choice
between a Rebbe (unknown to be a ת"ח) and a
Rosh Yeshiva (ת"ח) one should seek the Bracha
from the Rosh Yeshiva.





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