Friday, November 12, 2021



 לז"נ הני תרי נשי דיתבן בגן עדן, רות בת ר' צבי יהודה ופעסיל בת ר' בונם ע"ה יום השנה ז' כסליו

        ויחלם והנה
      He dreamt and behold

In the 40's while the Nazis were murdering 
Yidden in Europe, Rav. Y.I.Herzog zt"l was in
Bnei Brak and met with the Ponovezher Rov zt"l.

The Ponovezher Rov showed Rav Herzog a large
hill and told him he plans to build a Yeshiva
for a few hundred בחורים on top of that hill.

Rav Herzog responded with just one word
"חלומות" (dreams).

The Ponovezher Rov answered back
" מען מעג חלומען אבער שלאפן טאר מען ניט

"You are allowed to dream but sleep, you may not ."



The (ספר חסידים (תמ"ז  writes, "if one dreamt a good
dream (בשורה טובה) not to tell it to his wife. She might
tell others and then the dream won't come true".


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Riddle For Todays Daf Yomi - SUKKAH 16a

                             RIDDLE      The safe on 47th St. N.Y. was cracked on the  second ...