Monday, August 16, 2021

The Mitzvah of becoming wealthy




Parshas Hashavua
--- כי יקח איש אשה חדשה לא יצא בצבא
Devarim 24:5  

There is a מחלוקת ראשונים if the איסור of  leaving the wife
during the first year after marriage is applicable only when
leaving her to join the army or even for other reasons one
may not leave her alone for the first year.

The Shu"t Chasam Sofer (EH 2 155) writes that even
according to the חינוך who holds that one may not leave
his wife  even for other reasons than joining the army
will admit that if he leaves her for a Mitzvah then he
may do so.

Therefore one may leave his wife behind even the first
year after marriage to go out and earn a living being it's

The Chasam Sofer concludes that בזמן הזה not only
earning a living is a Mitzvah but  accumulating wealth
is also a Mitzvah as mentioned in Shulchan Aruch 
(Rema O.Ch.248:4) 

יהי רצון we should all be זוכה to be מקיים this Mitzvah
among all other 
Mitzvos with all the הידורים and amass
lots & lots of wealth אכיה"ר



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