Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Wealthy Rebbes

 The Kozhnitzer Magid was asked, "Why is it that the Berditchver (Kedushas Levi) who is such  a holy man 

yet so poor and the other Rebbe who is not as holy but  is  

a wealthy Rebbe?"


The Magid answered "it's very simple it all depends on

the Chasidim the Rebbe has. The  Berditchver's Chasidim

come for ברכות for עליה ברוחניות and the Rebbe is 

מתפלל בעד חבירו therefore, he is נענה תחילה and keeps

growing in רוחניות.


The wealthy Rebbe, his Chasidim ask for ברכות

in גשמיות. so the Rebbe is  מתפלל בעד חבירו and

is נענה תחילה by becoming rich." 

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Riddle For Todays Daf Yomi - SUKKAH 16a

                             RIDDLE      The safe on 47th St. N.Y. was cracked on the  second ...