Now You Know The Rest Of The Story.......... The Torah Matzav
Parshas Hashavua Toldos. מחלת בת ישמעאל
Seven reasons, Choson & Kallah fast on the day of חופה 1. Their sins are forgiven (ירושלמי ביכורים ג:ג) 2. They shouldn’t be drunk during Kidushin (מהר"ם מינץ) 3. Chasidim Rishonim fast before performing a Mitzvah (רוקח שנ"ג) 4. To be Mevatel the Gezeirah of Tigra (strife) B’Kesubah ( מהר"י ברונא צ"ג) 5. Choson (דומה למלך) is judged on the day of Chupa (מהר"י ברונא צ"ג) 6. It is like Matan Torah, Yidden fasted then (תשב"ץ קטן תס"ה) 7. Not to have a Simcha Shleima (רבינו אפרים מבון)
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The Chasam Sofer writes about a kabala He has from his Rebbe- Reb Mendele Lilig Zt"lwho had a Kabbala from the Shev Yakov : ...
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