Now You Know The Rest Of The Story.......... The Torah Matzav
The Mishna Verurah (104sk 9) writes:
"People consider פתיחה before אבינו מלכינו as a little Mitzvah." (“שהעולם חושבים זה קצת מצוה") " It seems, 1) That it is not really a Mitzvah just people consider it as a Mitzvah. 2) That only the Pesicha of אבינו מלכינו people consider as a Mitzvah and not all the other Pesichos.
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The Chasam Sofer writes about a kabala He has from his Rebbe- Reb Mendele Lilig Zt"lwho had a Kabbala from the Shev Yakov : ...
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