Tuesday, December 17, 2019

What Does The Chasam Sofer Hold About Growing A Beard

   The Shut Chasam Sofer O. Ch 159  was asked if one is
required to grow a beard.
He answered,

According to  Halacha, one may shave and is not required
to grow a beard.

According to Kaballah, he can't answer because he doesn't
get involved in Kaballah "אין לי עסק בנסתרות"

However, All the Chachamim in Italy were clean-shaven
and they relied  on R. Menachem Azarya (Rema MiFano)
the father of all Kabbalist who was completely shaven

The 'יש"ר (יוסף שלמה רופא) מקאנדי  also testified so, on the
Rema Mifano (not having a beard) and he explained that
according to Kaballah, beards are not appropriate for
Chutz La'aretz.

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