According to the 1) Minchas Yitzchok, 2) R Y. S. Elyashiv
3) R. S.Z. Auerbach,4) Klausenburg Rebbe 5) R.S. Wosner,
6) R.N. Karelitz zt"l & להבדיל בין חיים לחיים (7 R. Ch. Kanievski Shlita,
According to the 1) Minchas Yitzchok, 2) R Y. S. Elyashiv
3) R. S.Z. Auerbach,4) Klausenburg Rebbe 5) R.S. Wosner,
6) R.N. Karelitz zt"l & להבדיל בין חיים לחיים (7 R. Ch. Kanievski Shlita,
Lighting a Chanukah Menorah in front of the City
Hall, Parliament
buildings, top of cars or other
public places etc.
has nothing to do with the Mitzvah of פירסומי
Chazal instituted פירסומי
ניסא, when, where, and how.
They never said to advertise on the jumbotron at the
super bowl. So too have they never said to place Menoras
at Town squares, street corners, etc.
Those who do light
there with a ברכה are עובר on ברכה לבטלהThey never said to advertise on the jumbotron at the
super bowl. So too have they never said to place Menoras
at Town squares, street corners, etc.
*Probably, according to the above Poskim, there is no need to
honor the Goyishe celebrity with the lighting of the Shamash. You
can even have them light all of the eight candles.
Having the Goy make the ברכה לבטלה might be problematic
if it falls under ברכת השם, one of the 7 מצות בני נח.
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