Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Where is קבר רחל?

                       Where is קבר רחל?  

  (הוא מצבת קברת רחל עד היום (בראשית לה:כ                                       

Is Kever Rochel in Bais Lechem,
10 kilometers south of Yerushalayim?

According to the some Rishonim,
(רלב"ג, חזקוני, *רמב"ן פרשת ויחי)
Kever Rochel is not in Bais Lechem (south of Yerushalayim) but in רמה (north of Yerushalayim)

According to these Rishonim, 3 difficulties are solved.

1) In 'שמואל
א': י':ב it says "קברת רחל בגבול בנימן" -  Seems the
Kever is in Binyamin, 
Bais Lechem is in Yehuda, not Binyamin**.

2) Rashi in Parshas ויחי quotes the פסיקתא רבתי, " Yakov told Yosef he buried Rochel on the road ע"פ הדיבור so she will help her children when נבוזארדן will forcefully take them from Yerushalayim to Bavel.
When they will pass by Kever Rochel, she will come out from her Kever and cry -  'רחל מבכה על בניה וכו--

If Kever Rochel is in Bais Lechem (south of Yerushalayim) they would not be passing her Kever on the way to Bavel which is north of Yerushalayim?

3) In ( ספרי (פרשת וזאת הברכה, פסקא שנ"ב it says, ר' מאיר אומר בחלקו של בנה מתה Rochel died in her sons חלק (Binyamin & not Yehudah)

The חזקוני explains it is a כבוד to be buried in her children's חלק (family plot).    

* The Ramban changed his mind in פרשת וישלח
** See Rashi 'שמואל א': י':ב

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