Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Thanks to the Ayatollahs

Parshas Hashavua נצבים

 והקללות והיסורין מקיימין אתכם ומציבין אתכם לפניו
The curses and punishments sustain you and keep you standing before him
  רש"י ד"ה היום כ"ט:י"ב
By Khamenei.ir - http://farsi.khamenei.ir/photo-album?id=36022#i, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=57953266

R. Elchonon Wasserman HY" D explained this
Rashi, that when כלל ישראל are חס ושלום in need
of punishment then Hashem sends רודפים to
curse & harass the Yidden. 

By doing so the Yidden become the נרדף
and ואלוקים יבקש את נרדף even if the רודף 
is a צדיק and the נרדף is a רשע. Kal Vachomer 
when the רודף is the רשע.
This is what sustains כלל ישראל in גלות even if
they don't deserve it since they are the נרדף.

When the UN condemns us Yidden (Israel בלע"ז)
with hundreds of resolutions against us, or when
the Ayatollahs, Chamas & the other רשעים etc.
curse & threaten us they are actually doing us a
favour, by turning us into the נרדף . Hashem
protects the נרדף. 

Hence,the curses and punishments sustain you
and keep you standing before him.


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