Thursday, September 26, 2019

Dip The Esrog In The honey

הלכה ולא למעשה

What is a תפוח?

(מה תפוח זה פריו קודם לעליו אף ישראל הקדימו נעשה לנשמע (שבת פ"ח

According to Tosfos (Shabbos 88a & Ta'anis 29b)
תפוח is not an apple but an Esrog.

Goyim claim that Eve gave Adam an apple.
There is no mention anywhere in Chazal that
she gave him an apple to eat.

The mistake might have started with the
שיטה in Midrash (ב
ראשית רבה פרשה ט"ו פסקה ז)
that says it was an Esrog (תפוח) and
incorrectly translated it to be an apple.

Perhaps, according
 to Tosfos, On
Rosh Hashanah, we should dip the Esrog
in honey instead of an apple.


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